دستگیری ممنوع
با سلام ...
محسن زحمت کشید و این لوگو را درست کرد و من هم فضولی کردم و کمی تغییرش دادم:
کد لینک به لوگو در ستون سمت چپ قرار دارد!

تنها ماده ای که بطور کل رعایت میشود، و طرفداران و مدافعین قوی دارد.
اگر دولتی یا بانکی ملک و مالی را هم ضبت کند، تبصره دو را رعایت میکند:
1-هر شخص ، منفردا یا به طور اجتماعی حق مالکیت دارد .
2- احدی را تمی توان خود سرانه از حق مالکیت محروم نمود .
نامه زیر را کمیته نویسندگان در زندان نوشته. دوستان اگر اطلاعات جدید از آرش سیگارچی دارند، لطف کنند و با آخرین آدرس که در نامه درج شده تماس بگیرند:
Subject: Iran: Journalist, Arash Sigarchi, detained
26 January 2005
RAN 03/05
Iran: Journalist, Arash Sigarchi, detained
The Writers in Prison Committee of International PEN is seriously concerned about Arash Sigarchi, after his arrest by the Iranian authorities. PEN considers him to be detained in violation of his right to freedom of expression and is calling for his release.
Sigarchi was editor-in-chief of Gylan Emroz and maintains an internet journal known as Panhjareh Eltehab. He was detained by the Ministry of Intelligence on January 17, 2005, and is still in detention in Lakan Prison in Rasht, situated 200 kilometres from Tehran on the Caspian coast. The Writers in Prison Committee has learnt that his detention was because of interviews he gave to the BBC World Service and Radio Farda. At present, Sigarchi is denied access to a lawyer, and the judicial authorities have demanded a substantial amount of bail money for his release.
Arash Sigarchi was previously a journalist at the daily Bahar, a reformist newspaper that was banned in 2000, and has translated a book entitled Headline Writing, which remains unpublished. Sigarchi is a member of the Journalists Association of Iran and Reporters sans frontières.
Sigarchi was previously detained in August 2004, after he published a report in his internet journal about a recent gathering at a Tehran cemetery marking the anniversary of the execution of several thousand political prisoners in 1988. He was detained for two days before being released. Sigarchi is a critic of the regime, and has used his internet journal to criticise the Regime's treatment of other on-line journalists.
The Iranian authorities have closed down as many as a hundred publications over the last five years. This clamp down on the traditional media, has led to the internet becoming one of the few venues where dissenting opinions can be expressed. However, since September 2004, the regime has focused its attention on censoring internet communication, resulting in the arrest of a number of individuals who have expressed dissenting opinions on-line.
Please send appeals:
- Expressing serious concern about the arrest of Arash Sigarchi, and
calling for his immediate and unconditional release;
- Seeking assurances that he is not being ill-treated in detention.
Appeals to:
Leader of the Islamic Republic
His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed `Ali Khameni
The Presidency
Palestine Avenue
Azerbaijan Intersection
Islamic Republic of Iran
His Excellency Hojjatoleslam Sayed Mohammad Khatami
The Presidency
Palestine Avenue
Azerbaijan Intersection
Islamic Republic of Iran
Head of Judiciary
His Excellency Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahrudi
Head of the Judiciary
Ministry of Justice
Park-e Shahr
Islamic Republic of Tehran
Fax: +98 21 879 6671 or +98 21 640 4018/4019 (Please mark "care of Director
of International Affairs)
Iripr@iranjudiciary.org(Public Relations Dept.)
Rahimi@iranjudiciary.org(Relations Director)
For further information, please contact Sara Whyatt at the Writers in
Prison Committee of International PEN, 9/10 Charterhouse Buildings, London
EC1M ZAT, United Kingdom. Tel:+44(0) 207 253 3226 Fax: +44 (0) 207 253 5711
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